Direct Mail Offers That Work
#3 Percentages Off (10% off, 15% Off, 30% Off): This is generally the worst type of direct mail offer you can do. The reason is that the value must be calculated and depending on the consumers knowledge of your services this may not even be possible. This leads to your ad going into the circular file. The exception to this rule is with 50% off. Most know that this is half off and that is always good. The other exception is with very large percentages off at retail stores. Who doesn’t love a 75% off sale?!
#2 Dollars Off ($5 Off, $20 Off, $100 Off, $1,500 Off) This is one of the best type of coupon offers you can put on your direct mailer. The consumer sees the amount and sees instant value. They are now holding in their hands something as good as cash and are much less likely to toss it. Even if they don’t use it they will hold onto it for a while and this will keep you top of mind. The amount off will vary and should be in proportion to what you are selling. “$1 off 2 dinner entrees” will not pull in a large response.
#1 FREE FREE FREE (FREE Trial, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE, Buy this get that FREE, etc) Still the most powerful word in advertising and the best offer for your direct mail piece. Get creative with this one. Find upgrades you can add on for free. Give a low cost free trial or sample to start off the relationship. You can also put a cap on the value of the free item to limit your exposure. This gets you the same effect, but without all the risk.
There you go. You are now an expert at crafting direct mail offers. Go have some fun with it and watch your responses increase. Best of luck to you and if you would like to discuss putting a direct mail campaign together for your business give me a call for a FREE consultation, a FREE mailing list count and a FREE quote!
Call Steve Neher @ (916) 296-0545 or email me at
Sacramento Direct Mail Sacramento is located in the Sacramento area and is available to service businesses in Northern California face to face.